3 Ways to Fix Android phone Blue Screen of Death

3 Ways to Fix Android phone Blue Screen of Death - Who says only PCs or Laptops can experience Blue Screen problems? in fact Android is also experiencing similar things, however, the things that happen in a custom ROM are blue Screen can happen.

Generally the problem of Blue Screen occurs because of a crash on your smartphone hardware, and the most frequent problems that occur in RAM, Processor and also Internal Memory Android smartphone, the cause is the most important because the configuration of the RAM, Processor or Internal memory is wrong, or can so it's because of Overclock case.

For that reason, it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true that the main feature of this is the Blue Screen problem is of course the screen will be blue and appear a lot of posts, including the component information Crash, the solution?

There are several ways you can do that is:

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Leave it alone

Yes, let it be, if this Blue Screen case only appears once or twice, then you do not need to worry, because Crash on a hardware that has become a natural thing, another case if this Blue Screen appears several times a day , then you should be more serious to respond to it, generally if you experience the Blue Screen, then your device will reboot by itself, if it is rebooted, leave it alone.

Replace Custom ROM and Kernel

If the Blue Screen problem comes from 2 things because of pairing Custom ROM and Kernel, then the solution you need to replace the Custom ROM and Kernel to a stable or more trusted version, because the facts out there are a lot of 3rd party developers that if build Custom ROM and Kernel, they deliberately overclock the manufacturer's settings, so it's natural that your device becomes Blue Screen.

Re-flash to the manufacturer's firmware or later

If the problem does not go away by simply replacing the Custom ROM and Kernel, then you need to re-Flash to Stock Firmware, or to the Firmware type, and this Blue Screen will not happen if you are not installing Custom ROM or Kernel, to solve it then you can do Flash Repeat and can also update on the type of firmware version of your smartphone.

If the Blue Screen problem still happens when you have followed method the above, then make sure there is damage in your smartphone hardware, and the way the is replaced with a new component. you can get from this article is you must carefully install Custom ROM or Kernel on your smartphone, select the already tested, because if the case of Blue Screen is often the case then it can be sure your smartphone will be damaged.
Labels: android, Tutorial

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