Easy trick to get approval request quickly Unlock bootloader on all Xiaomi devices

Easy trick to get approval request quickly Unlock bootloader on all Xiaomi devices - You need to know that for latest Xiaomi output device is sold with locked bootloader as standard, so with the meaning to enable recovery feature and fastboot capability in full it will need unlocking activity on your Xiaomi device, but just calm in unlock bootloader on this Xiaomi device, because the sense is quite safe because all the procedures and also tools will come and developed by vendor Xiaomi own.

To further clarify that the Xiaomi Android device type that requires to unlock the bootloader is from the series after Xiaomi M4i or from Xiaomi Mi4c to the most recent, all of the latest output devices are locked bootloader when sold from the manufacturer, but for devices before Xiaomi Mi4c then there is no need to unlock the bootloader because the device is originally conditioned unlock bootloader.

To be able to unlock the bootloader itself requires a bit of hard work and patience, because there is a process that is quite tiring in the request approval unlock bootloader on the Xiaomi device, but the most frustrating is the length of the process of approval or process where the device will be reviewed back by the vendor and then given notification in the form of code unlock and also link download tool unlock bootloadernya that can take 10 days more !, of course very long especially if your device ends with bootloop state and can only be handled by way of fastboot which also requires device you unlock bootloader before, certainly not an easy thing in going through it.
Read alsohow to Unlock bootloader of any Xiaomi Device (No stuck at 50%)
For that there is actually a simple way that can be used for the approval process is fast going and also notification of approval via SMS will be quickly sent, that is you just need to write a reason related to the condition of your device on the box that has been provided Xiaomi.

If you have arrived at this stage and want to quickly approve request unlock your bootloader then on the reason box you have to write down the most severe cases that hit your device, even though your device is fine, to easily maybe like this: " my users Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 hard brick! And I do not have anything to fix it, and for now I just need unlock code for unlocking my device, and then doing to fastboot my device, thanks Xiaomi team ", well like that means you only need write down that your device is in a condition that can not be used, thus in the sure will not wait a long time then code unlock booltoader will immediately enter in your SMS message box.

And need to remember back to write the reason must speak english to quickly understand by team unlock bootloader Xiaomi, and as a suggestion just avoid writing the reason like this "Request code unlock bootloader", or "Unlock bootloader my xiaomi" if you write down the reason like that then make sure the new SMS notification will be sent within a minimum of 10 days, but if you write down the reason as already mentioned above then at least SMS notification will quickly enter in just 1-3 days.

But keep in mind once again that the things that have been written above is not entirely successful but worth the try, because all incoming requests must be considered first by Xiaomi bootloader team unlcok so interval SMS notification sending will vary, so good luck and fast got SMS notification from Xiaomi unload bootloader team.

Labels: Tutorial, Xiaomi

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